User’s perception of teachable robots

In Human-Robot interaction, particularly within educational settings, understanding the most effective ways to teach and interact with robots has become increasingly important. Recent research delves into the intricate dynamics of teaching methods, the complexity of tasks, and individual user characteristics, providing a comprehensive overview of how these factors influence our engagement with educational robots. This … Continue reading User’s perception of teachable robots

How to teach a robot?

In the rapidly advancing field of robotics, the ability to efficiently teach robots through various forms of feedback is revolutionizing how these machines learn and adapt to our world. Unlike traditional programming methods, which require extensive coding to modify behaviour, feedback-based teaching methods offer a more intuitive and dynamic approach. This efficiency in feedback not … Continue reading How to teach a robot?

The Future Classroom: Navigating the World of Social Robots in Education

As we step into the future of education, the classroom landscape might undergo a remarkable transformation, influenced significantly by the advent of social robots. Social robots are not just tools but partners in the educational journey, offering unique opportunities for interactive learning, personalised instruction, and fostering social skills among students.  /*! elementor - v3.19.0 - … Continue reading The Future Classroom: Navigating the World of Social Robots in Education